
Fiúntas is a specially commissioned video piece from the National Circus Festival of Ireland and Kerry County Council Arts Office featuring six circus artists shot around locations in Tralee, Co Kerry.

It is a response to the social value of the artist, a questioning of purpose and worth of the arts and artists due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The artists are Tom Campbell, Michaela Heyer, Henrik Gard, Ali Stanger, Hannes Jung and Con Horgan.

The piece is written and directed by Con Horgan, filmed and edited by Maurice Supple with music and soundscape compositions by ConHorgan. With thanks to Kerry County Council Arts  Office, Arts Council of Ireland and Creative Ireland.


A film by Fanzini Productions

Director and writer: Con Horgan

Duration: 21 minutes

Venue: ODEON Point Square,  East Wall Rd, North Dock, Dublin 1.


Aug 27 2021


18:30 - 20:00

2 Responses

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