Inappropriate Tea Party

Welcoming you to a sensual evening of community, candid chats and connection. A warm, loving, safe space to bring your craics, to let the light and laughter in!

Settling in with a ceremonial cupán tae and sink into the luxuriousness of our senses. Arrive into deeper states of presence and relaxation, explore truths, tales and taboos, regulate our nervous system and tune into greater awareness of our wants, needs and desires, and expand our capacity for joy, play and pleasure.

Curious? Want to lean into the opportunity for a deeper connection? A more profound sense of satisfaction? Come listen, learn, share, play, and explore the pleasure of following your curiosities.

Welcoming you to a sensual evening of community, candid chats and connection. A warm, loving, safe space to bring your craics, to let the light and laughter in!

Get your tickets HERE


Mar 26 2023


16:00 - 20:00


The Castle Hotel
Gardiner Row, Denmark Street Great, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 R640


Five Lamps Arts Festival

2 Responses

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