Philo, a new play by Peter sheridan

Join the Five Lamps Arts Festival for Philo, a new play by acclaimed playwright Peter Sheridan.  Philo follows the story of two women from very different backgrounds who find refuge in a convent day-care centre.

Born and reared on Sheriff Street, Philo (Neilí Conroy of Fair City) is a larger-than-life character facing one crisis after another. On the other hand, Sister Rosaleen (Nichola MacEvilly of Ripper Street) is a shy and vulnerable woman from a small town in rural Cork who wants to devote her life to working with the poor.

Can Sister Rosaleen put up with the bad language that flows from Philo’s mouth? Can Philo contain herself and abide by the rules of the convent? Is this all going to end up in one mighty explosion that finishes their relationship for good? Or do miracles still happen?

Philo explores Sheridan’s past themes of social injustice, youth crime, domestic violence, and human relationships as they evolve in surprising ways. Inspired by the characters Sheridan grew up with in Dublin’s north inner city, Philo takes audiences on a poignant and hilarious journey.

See Philo at The Sean O’Casey Community Centre Theatre in East Wall on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, 29th and 30th of October at 8.30 pm. Tickets, €12/10.


Philo is played by Neilí Conroy| Sister Rosaleen is played by Nichola MacEvilly

Directed by Peter Sheridan|Set and Costume Design by Florentina Burcea

Light Design by Conor McCague|Photograph by Kevin Newcomen

Production by Roisin Lonergan and the Five Lamps Arts Festival



Oct 22 - 30 2021


20:30 - 20:30


Sean O'Casey Theatre
18-26 St Mary's Road, East Wall, Dublin 3

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  1. Gdy podejrzewamy, że nasza żona lub mąż zdradził małżeństwo, ale nie ma na to bezpośrednich dowodów lub chcemy się martwić o bezpieczeństwo naszych dzieci, dobrym rozwiązaniem jest również monitorowanie ich telefonów komórkowych, które zazwyczaj pozwala na uzyskanie ważniejszych informacji.

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