Dancing in Dublin 1: Home Edition with Emily Kilkenny Roddy

Emily Kilkenny


We invite the young people of Dublin 1 between the ages of 10-18 to be part of ‘Dancing in Dublin 1: the Home Edition. Over the next 3 weeks this tutorial will be broken into 3 easy to learn at home dance tutorials.

What we need from you at home?
-Download the videos and watch a few times to learn the section from the video that day (remember you will learn the full routine over the next few weeks)
-Film yourself doing the routine on your phone (LANDSCAPE shot which means hold the phone long ways) and send the video to us art.fivelampsartsfestival@gmail.com
-Have fun, the more creative you can get with your filming the better, remember this is all going to made into a dance music video.
-if you make mistakes please don’t worry, it’s all about doing your best!

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