"In your Corner" is a new exhibition of photographs by Matt Spalding

“In your Corner” an exhibition of photographs by Matt Spalding

“In your Corner” is a new exhibition of photographs by Matt Spalding. This exhibition gives the boxers a voice and the rightful opportunity to view themselves as positive role models for their community, to soften the image of boxing to the wider public and critically, highlight the enormous amount of voluntary work, love and pride delivered gratis to our local club Dublin Docklands Boxing Club by coaches and parents alike.

DDBC, an all inclusive club, has steered, and continues to steer local boys and girls – kids who could just as easily slip through the cracks and onto a very different path – into an arena that teaches them manners, humility, grace, honour, courage, respect and discipline.
📅 Date: 3rd to 17th October (Monday – Saturday)
⏰ Time: 10am to 5pm
📍 Venue: Charleville Mall Library, North Strand, D01 AX99


Oct 03 - 17 2023


Charleville Mall Library
Charleville Mall, North Strand Road, Dublin 1


The Five Lamps Arts Festival
+353 879737401

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