The play centres around the two continuous narratives of two very different women. They each begin their respective and yet linked stories in the famous café of Bewleys on Grafton Street where they meet their individual sisters for lunch. Angela (Deirdre Monaghan) begins her tale with musings on her first Indian meal and the difficulty that she has in operating modern day appliances, while Mona (Niamh Devereux) chats about a trip that her and her sister Lou have to Casá Del Marine and the difficulties that she has with her father.
The two narratives link again when the pair meet by chance at a Supermarket and Angela relays her difficulties with working the washing machine. Mona’s mother had used to work for Angela and Betty long ago while she was still alive and as a result Mona offers to stop by and show them how to use the machine.
The stories of the two sets of sisters continue from here with Angela’s becoming increasingly tragic, while Mona’s story of Lou and the DJ she met in Casá Del Marine escalates to the threat of disrupting the family life she has in Dublin.
The play was brilliantly directed by Vinnie McCabe at D-Light Studios Dublin, while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
You can catch the full live event on our YouTube channel. Make sure you let us know that you will be watching along below.
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