Songwriters’ Train to Sligo

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Are you a budding songwriter? A jaded rockstar itching to show off to your bewildered fellow passengers? A misunderstood triangle player looking for an audience that really gets you?

Inspired by the Thom Moore song, we’re assembling (exactly like the Avengers) a motley crew of musicians for a free songwriting workshop on the train to Sligo on the 14th March. To apply for a place, email the festival directly and tell us why you should be on the train. The journey is FREE (and it’s going to kick ass) so all you have to do is write something brief to

As if any further tantalising incentives were required, we’re proud to announce that we’re bringing the very stylish, real-life-musician, Meteor Award winner Luan Parle along as a participant! She will be joined by the talented multi-instrumentalist and accomplished producer Gavin Ralston.


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