The Five Lamps – a play by Roddy Doyle

The Five Lamps Play by Roddy Doyle

The Five Lamps Arts Festival and Co-Motion Media present the new stage work by Roddy Doyle, first presented at the Five Lamps Arts Festival in April 2023. The show is an adaptation from the Life Without Children collection by Roddy Doyle published in 2021. Adapted and Directed by Joe O’Byrne, and starring Eoin O’Sullivan, the […]

The Women of Sheriff Street | Tara Kearns Exhibition

The Five Lamps Arts Festival has been working closely with The Central Bank of Ireland over the last few years to showcase the work of local artists, bringing together a collection that reflects the community’s diversity and creativity, with the Central Bank providing a dynamic space to house each exhibition Our latest collaboration spotlights the […]

5 Lamps Arts and Crafts Market on Dublin City FM

5 Lamps arts & crafts market

‘5Lamps Arts & Craft Day’ took place on Saturday 1st April We partnered with D-Light Studios to host a Quirk and an African Market. Also, we had the beautiful folk songs of “The Song and the Hand” by Mayumi Kabayashi, Caitriona, Fiona, Andrew and Irene who performed that evening.

#5lampschats – Gemma Dunleavy

Gemma Dunleavy Interview Image by Five Lamps Arts

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.4.0″ custom_padding=”3px||4px|||”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.4.0″ custom_padding=”0px||6px|||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.4.0″][et_pb_accordion _builder_version=”4.4.0″ animation_style=”fade” hover_enabled=”0″][et_pb_accordion_item open=”on” _builder_version=”4.4.0″ body_font_size=”16px” text_orientation=”left” hover_enabled=”0″] Gemma Dunleavy is an artist and musician from Dublin’s North Inner City. She is mainly working in music, songwriting and performance. She was very creative from the young age of 5 and was acquainted with dance, poetry, song and […]

#5lampschats – Breda Jackson

The Charleville mall Arts group

Breda Jackson is an artist who studied in NCAD and Trinity College Dublin before getting involved in multimedia design. In the last few years, Breda has moved away from this to focus full time on her art. She works mainly in the community and is heavily involved with The Mud Island Community Garden. She speaks […]

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